Human Resource
Tirupati Software Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
The HR & Payroll module in HIMS software is a crucial component that enables hospitals to effectively manage their human resources and payroll processes. This module provides a comprehensive solution for managing employee information, payroll calculations, time and attendance tracking, and various HR functions. Here are some of the key functions of the HR & Payroll module:
HR Manager Can Connfigure the Employee Profile Allocation Attaendanc eDevice ID & Employee ID Card
Attandance Device Synchronise the Attandance Logs from Device Daily/Realtiime Based
HR User/manager cna access the Attandance Records & Calculate the Salary
HR User/Manager can generate Salary based on Attandnace log fetch from device for particuler employee of respective month.
HR Manager Can Generate Various Register & Records needed for Salary Calculation, Bank Statement, FInancial Statements
PF Register of Salary
Employe Leave Request
Employee Leave Management by HR Manager> Approval, Cancel, Duty Roster Manager
HR Manager Can Preapare Duty Roster & Inform the Certail User/Doctor/Nurse via System & Same can atu reflect in respectiv user's A/c
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