Tirupati HMS Pro+

Save 10% for online booking

₹ 75000/- One Time

  • Multi User & Multi System
  • Role Based Access Control
  • Online & Offline Deployments
  • All Healthcare compliance
  • SMS, Email & WhatsApp
  • Mobile & Web Acsess
  • Office Hours Support

Tirupati Radiology Pro+

Save 10% while Online Booking

₹ 12500/-One Time

  • Patient Registraiton & Billing
  • Scanning, RIS Integration
  • Report with Image + Text
  • Finance Report & Expense
  • Report Via SMS, Email & WhatsApp
  • Multi User+Multi Systems

Premium Plan

Save 20% for all services

₹ 10000/- Yearly

  • Individual & Family Doctor
  • Psychiatric treatment
  • Surgery and anaesthetics
  • Drugs and dressings
  • Therapeutic aids appliances
  • Therapeutic aids appliances

Radiology Plan

Save 43% for all services

₹ 35000/- Yearly

  • Individual & Family Doctor
  • Psychiatric treatment
  • Surgery and anaesthetics
  • Drugs and dressings
  • Therapeutic aids appliances
  • Therapeutic aids appliances